sábado, 21 de abril de 2018

V7LW3 - 12577 kHz - M/T “CHEM TIGER” - Golfo de Adén - QSL

Ayer por la noche llamaron al RCC AUSTRALIA/VIC realizando su test semanal. Esta mañana me ha contestado su capitán: "Dear  Mr. Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Confirmation of reception of Message. Glad to hear  that you received DSC Test Via RCC Australia/VIC and  to Confirm  Our DSC Station is Functioning well... Hope To Hear Again From you on Next Weekly transmission... Thanks and Best regards. Master of M/T “CHEM TIGER”, Capt. Sobornov Viktor". Thank you very much!.
20ABR2018 - 21'49 UTC

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